Email Marketing

Email marketing is widely known as one of the most cost-effective ways to market your business. So we’re constantly surprised how few businesses actually make the most out of this relatively straightforward strategy.

Email marketing helps you to keep in regular contact with your database, showcasing the best of your recent work, providing advice on technical areas or helping to market upcoming events.

It’s not about the ‘hard sell’ but rather keeping in touch with clients and contacts in the right way – letting them know you’re there to help when they need it. Think of it as having a virtual ‘cuppa’ with them.

A great email marketing campaign starts with a great email design. We can work with your digital agency or bring in contacts of our own to put together an eye catching email template that reflects your company branding.

If you’ve already got an email template in place, all the better! Let us have the logins and we can get started.

From there, it’s all about the content. Keeping the objectives of the mailing in mind, we can come up ideas for what to include, as well as draft the articles and copy required.

We help business across a number of industries keep in touch with their clients on a regular basis. To chat to us about getting your message out there, contact us here.